Conversion Tables & Formulas

LENGTH Conversions
Millimeters = Inch × 25.40
Inches = Millimeters × 0.03937
Meters = Feet × 0.3048
Feet = Meters × 3.281
Kilometers = Meters × 1000
Kilometers = Miles × 1.609
Miles = Kilometers × 0.6214


AREA Conversions
Centimeter² = Inch² × 6.452
Inch² = Centimeter² × 0.1550
Meter² = Foot² × 0.0929
Foot² = Meter² × 10.76
Kilometer² = Mile² × 2.590
Mile² = Kilometer² × 0.3861


VOLUME Conversions
Centimeter³ = Inch³ × 16.39
Inch³ = Centimeter³ × 0.06102
Meter³ = Foot³ × 0.02832
Foot³ = Meter³ × 35.31


MASS Conversions
Gram = Ounce × 28.35
Ounce = Gram × 0.03527
Kilogram = Pound × 0.4536
Pound = Kilogram × 2.205
Pounds/1000 Ft = Kilogram/Kilometer (KG/KM) × 0.6214
Kilogram/Kilometer (KG/KM) = Pounds/1000 Ft × 1.4881


OTHER Conversions
Ohms/1000 Ft = Ohms/Kilometers (OHM/KG) × 0.3048
Square Mils in mm2 = Circular Mil × 0.7854
Square Mil in mm2 = (Stranding in mm²) × (# of Strands)

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