DIN47100 Paired Color Code Chart

Color code according to DIN 47100 Twisted Pairs with color repetition. The following color code is for twisted paired cables to DIN-47100. At 23 pairs, the color identification repeats itself for the first time and from 45 pairs for the second time. The cores are marked with one colored 2-3 mm wide rings. The distance between the rings is approximately 7 mm. The counting order starts from the outer layer proceeding consecutively inwards in the same direction throughout all layers.
DIN47100 Paired Color Code Chart PDF
Pair #Pair #Pair #    Color of Core A        Color of Core B    
62850Gray / pinkRed / blue
72951White / greenBrown / green
83052White / yellowYellow / brown
93153White / greyGray / brown
103254White / pinkPink / brown
113355White / blueBrown / blue
123456White / redBrown / red
133557White / blackBrown / black
143658Gray / greenYellow / gray
153759Pink / greenYellow / pink
163860Green / blueYellow / blue
173961Green / redYellow / red
184062Green / blackYellow / black
194163Gray / bluePink / blue
204264Gray / redPink / red
214365Gray / blackPink / black
224466Blue / blackRed / black